Wednesday, January 1, 2014


One of my favorite photographers out there in the big old world of photography is the lovely and talented Melissa Gibson. Please, I beg of you, take the time to click on the link that is her name and check out her photography website. Oh my goodness - you will fall in love just as I did!
She has recently been taking photos of her daughters' toys and they are amazing! Just go look for yourself - please! She talked a little bit more about the project here on the Clickin Moms website.

The other day I went to Barnes & Noble to pick-up a couple of books and looked around at the toys a bit. And I found Gru! I had to buy him. And having a boy who is totally into Despicable Me right now was the perfect excuse (cause really I just wanted to by Gru for me...still a bit of a kid when it comes to cool figurines...I digress...) Then today we woke up to fog. Thick, thick fog...and it was the perfect set-up for a Gru portrait.



(I'd like to think he's scheming up a way to get rid of the fog that's lingered for weeks...)

My goal for the month of January is to take at least one photo a day. Who knows? Maybe I'll get crazy and turn it into a 365 project. Time will tell. In the meantime, I'll be challenging myself to get out of the box and take some different photos this month. Today was just the beginning.



Michelle said...

What a cute and fun idea for a series. I love your Gru and I think the fog totally suits him. We almost got rerouted to Seattle because of fog when we flew home. It's been a week of gray since we got home from CA... I'm ready for some sun.

Marisa said...

Your Gru is fantastic! How fun. (Maybe a little challenging to focus with that long nose?) I just ordered way too many tiny little plastic people to photograph. I'm so excited to set them up on little adventures. My daughter said she was excited to play with them. . . and I had to stop myself from saying, "But they're mine!" I can share. :)

Shawntae said...

Love this idea and the shots. I haven't been photographing much of anything lately, but have been wanting to do it more often again. I need a weekly project, because I know I can't keep up with a daily. Heck, I'm not even sure I can keep up with a weekly. :)