Sunday, December 1, 2013

slice of life: lately.

The past two weeks have been a blur...

Max was sick with a stomach bug a little over a week ago. Why do kids always - ALWAYS! - get sick in the middle of the night? What's that phenomenon all about? We did the hard parenting work of changing sheets, and putting laundry on to wash, and holding buckets all night long. I stayed in his room all night in case he got sick again (which he did). I think it's a mom thing - I couldn't stand to see him so sick and I just had to lay on his bed and help him through the night. We dozed a bit but I was wide awake with any sudden movements. It was a long night and day, but we survived.

We headed north to Tacoma for Thanksgiving this year. Eric's sister and her boyfriend hosted for the first time. It was a good time. Though the car ride up was a bit of a disaster with a not so happy boy in the backseat who really just wanted us to stop the car and leave him on the side of the road so he could go home. But as soon as we got to our destination he was all smiles and was entertained. It's amazing how kid emotions can swing so wide and so quickly.

We've spent the long weekend getting holiday decorations out and up around the house. Eric put up the outdoor lights, I have put up some of our decor. But mostly we've just been enjoying the time to just chill-out and relax and enjoy our time together.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

tracey said...

Love the ones of M at the kitchen table being busy busy. :)